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Formularium supports extending itself with your favorite frameworks by composition. This means that the frameworks are run in a pipeline, making it easy to compose a CSS framework with a validator framework, for example. Each framework in the pipeline alters the HTML from the previous step.

To implement your own framework you’ll have to implement the Renderable_[datatype] classes. There’s a script that will generate the scaffolding for you:

./composer.phar make:framework -- MyFramework

If you are doing this for your own project, you can run instead:

bash vendor/corollarium/formularium/util/ MyFramework

Which will generate Renderable classes for all non-abstract datatypes, and the main Framework class.

The Framework class can set the elements added to <head> or to the bottom of the page (which can be used to generate standalone pages, like in the kitchen sink) and the final composition of the rendered elements (useful if you are implementing support for a JS framework like Vue which requires extra scaffolding).

See also: