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Validator are general classes responsible for checking if data adheres to a certain pattern. They can be reused by fields and datatypes.

They can be used in the validators section of a field, like this:

$modelData = [
    'name' => 'TestModel',
    'fields' => [
        'myString' => [
            'datatype' => 'integer',
            'validators' => [
                Formularium\Validator\Min::class [
                    'value' => 10
$model = Model::fromStruct($modelData);

They can also be called in a Datatype::getValidators() method, which is probably more fitting – you want the validation as part of the datatype, not as an agreggation of restrictions.

Creating your own validator

Validators are classes, implementing the ValidatorInterface interface.

Run this to create a class for a validator called mine:

php vendor/corollarium/formularium/util/makeValidator.php --validator=mine --namespace=MyApp\\Formularium\\Validator --path=./src/ --test-path=./tests/

If you are using Laravel, you can shorten it to (other options work too, but we provide sane defaults):

artisan formularium:validator mine --basetype=string

If you are developing Formularium itself, there’s a composer shortcut:

composer make:validator -- --validator=mine

This will generate a file Mine.php with all the scaffolding. Fill the getMetadata() and validate(). You also get a mineTest.php file to implement your tests easily.


Let’s take a look at the Equals validator for an example:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Formularium\Validator;

use Formularium\Datatype;
use Formularium\Exception\ValidatorException;
use Formularium\Model;
use Formularium\ValidatorInterface;
use Formularium\Metadata;
use Formularium\MetadataParameter;

class Equals implements ValidatorInterface
    public static function validate($value, array $options = [], ?Model $model = null)
        if ($value !== $options['value']) {
            throw new ValidatorException('Value is not the expected');

        return $value;

    public static function getMetadata(): Metadata
        return new Metadata(
            "Match exactly",
                new MetadataParameter(

See also: