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Laravel integration

Here’s an overview of the Laravel integration

Available commands:

Commands have integrated help.

  • modelarium:datatype: create a new datatype.
  • modelarium:frontend: generate frontend code.
  • modelarium:publish: publish Modelarium files (run when installing)
  • modelarium:renderable: create a new renderable.
  • modelarium:scaffold: generate the backend code.
  • modelarium:type: generate a new type (model).


Migration file is generated for all types. Migration specific directives start with @migration. We try to support most of the migration API. If you miss anything send a PR or open an issue.

Any changes in the type will generate a _patch_ migration. As of now patch files are generated but we do not generate the patch code. This is planned for a later version.


A basic stub for a factory is generated for all types. It calls Model::getRandomData() to generate good fake data.


Seeds call factory::create() for the model. DatabaseSeeder.php is generated if you set the overwrite flag or the file does not exist.


Since it’s likely you’ll need to write specific code in your Model class, we structure models in two classes and files: NameBase.php and Name.php. Name inherits from NameBase. You should leave NameBase unedited, since it will ge automatically generate and updated when your type declarations change, and implement or override anything you need on the Name class.


Policies are generated for all @can directives of your Graphql, in a separate file for each model. They return false by default, meaning everything is blocked.


Event classes are generated for each @event directive.

New datatypes and validators

Run php artisan modelarium:validator and php artisan modelarium:datatype to generate scaffolding for validators and datatypes. They are created at app/Validators and app/Datatypes respectively, and automatically registered to be used in Graphql.