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Advanced topics for Modelarium and Laravel

This continues the getting started tutorial.


Modelarium automatically creates a datatype for each relationship in your application (this is done through registering a factory method that creates the Datatype classes at runtime from the models, but you don’t have to worry about it). But this means that relationships are typed, which allows you to add specific behavior to them as well, including validation.

TODO: explain how to perform validation


There’s nothing specific to Modelarium about authentication, and all the usual methods of authenticating will work. But this is a tutorial, so let’s show how to add authentication to our app.

By default Modelarium creates models in app/Models instead of app. For this to work with authentication you should change this in config/auth.php. You can also pass --modelDir=app if you prefer Laravel’s default behavior.

    'providers' => [
        'users' => [
            'driver' => 'eloquent',
            'model' => App\Models\User::class,

We’ll use Lighthouse GraphQL Passport Auth for this, integrating auth into GraphQL. Be sure to follow their documentation for details